You’ve put a lot of time and effort into creating in-depth content – don’t let it go to waste. Our content repurposing framework makes it easy for you to create high-quality content for your social media channels and website. By implementing this process, you can have quality content that engages your audience and drives traffic back to your site.
What is in-depth content?
Also known as long-form content, it’s something that has taken a few hours of your time. This could be a podcast interview, white paper, video, or an article you wrote for an industry association. It’s something substantial that showcases your expertise.
What is content repurposing?
This is the act of taking a substantial piece of content and transforming them into something else. For example, you could write a transcript of the podcast interview and then add it to your website as a blog article. From that blog article, you can extract quotes and create graphics for social media. You are repurposing something that you already created in order to get more mileage out of the initial efforts.
Here’s an article we wrote on What You Need to Know About Repurposing Content if you need more information. Since you landed on this article, we’re assuming you are aware of the importance of repurposing content and are looking for the framework to make it happen.
Our Content Repurposing Framework
Step 1: Identify the Source
There are two reasons why you might be considering content repurposing.
#1 – You (or someone at your company) were interviewed on a podcast, featured on the news, or some one-time event occurred where you want to take advantage of the action.
#2 – You are looking to incorporate a content repurposing framework into your workflow routine.
For either reason, this framework will work for you.
The first step is to have an understanding of what is available for you for repurposing. If you are doing a one-off content repurposing, I encourage you to keep a spreadsheet that tracks all of the links to third-party articles featuring your company or founder. This will be useful in the future.
If you want to incorporate a content repurposing framework into your workflow, ask yourself:
- Is there a company blog that has a new article regularly?
- Does your company host a weekly Facebook Live?
- Does the founder host a podcast?
These are all forms of content that can be used once they are identified as your primary source for content repurposing.
Step #2: Repurpose for your website.
You can skip this step if you are pulling from your company blog for content. However, all other forms of content need to be transcribed and optimized for your website. Rev.com is my favorite service for transcribing audio or video files. After receiving the transcription, rework the writing so that it follows SEO best practices. If you have a lengthy piece, you may want to try a series of blog articles.
If your long-form content is a video, you may want to embed the video in your blog article. Some website visitors may choose to watch the video instead of reading about it.
If you are repurposing an industry article that one of your subject matter experts wrote, you need to understand the agreement with the original publisher. A teaser piece that directs traffic to the full article might be the best approach here. Do NOT copy the entire article and post it on your website.
Step #3: Repurpose for social media.
Go through your blog post and jot down all of the key facts, phrases, or interesting ideas. Then consider all of the tools you have available to create social media content. To name a few, we love Canva, Animoto, InVideo, Memento, and TextArt. Canva has a free online video editor that makes it super easy to create your own videos using one of their templates.
You’ll want to keep the social media platform in mind, because content performs differently based on whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or something else.
Keep track of your repurposing ideas in the spreadsheet. Here’s an example of what this might look like:
Content Idea | Type of Content | Platform | Text | Link to Original Source |
Video animation of the steps to our content repurposing framework | Video | Facebook, Instagram | Step 1: Identify the Source Step 2: Repurpose for your Website Step 3: Repurpose for Social Media | wigfieldco.com/content-repurposing-framework |
Our favorite tools for creating social media content | Graphic | Facebook, Instagram | Animoto, Canva, TextArt, InVideo, Momento | wigfieldco.com/content-repurposing-framework |
Ask our audience how they currently repurpose their content | Text | Are you repurposing content? What’s your current process? | wigfieldco.com/content-repurposing-framework |
Step #4: Create and Schedule Content
After you get all your ideas down in a spreadsheet, pull three content ideas from that list and start creating your snackable content. Why three? We don’t want to bore our audience by talking about the same theme every day until we’ve completely run the well dry. By choosing three ideas, you can come back to this spreadsheet and continue to draw inspiration from it for weeks to come.
Using a scheduling tool like Buffer, Later, or Agorapulse, schedule these posts and integrate other topics into your weekly schedule.
You may want to add a column to your spreadsheet that states when the post was scheduled. Then you’ll know which ideas were already done.
Step #5: Review Your Analytics
Our framework wouldn’t be complete without analyzing the data and insights from your posts. What went well? What flopped? By looking at your repurposed posts, you can determine the best ways to optimize your content repurposing framework moving forward.
For example, You might see that text-based posts using one of the Facebook design backgrounds do better than creating a branded graphic with the same text. (This is highly likely!) Now you know that any engagement questions should be asked using the Facebook-designed backgrounds.
By implementing our content repurposing framework into your regular workflow, you can come up with an endless stream of content ideas that are all relevant to your expertise. The secret lies in the fact that you are thinking differently about the topic. Instead of starting with a blank page, you’re able to leverage long-form content and break it down into website and social media content that establishes your authority.
Want to know more about how to repurpose content? Join The Credible Brand Facebook community, where you can ask questions and gain direct feedback from marketing professionals. We look forward to seeing you in the group!
Content Repurposing Service
Sweet Home Marketing provides content repurposing services to help you get the most out of your long-form content. We can even help create a content marketing strategy and content calendar if you don’t have one already. Call or text us at 410-259-1514 to get started.