Creating visual content for your business channels while you’re on the go can be challenging, but thankfully there are a few apps that can help make it easier. Here are a few of my favorite ways to create beautiful visual content using a mobile app.
Benefits of Visual Content
It’s perfectly acceptable to do a text-only post for most platforms. However, Instagram requires an image or video in order to share a post. Additionally, posts with an image receive a 37% higher level of engagement than text-only posts. Therefore, it’s worth the extra effort to create visual content so that you can include Instagram in your distribution channels and receive more engagement.
Our Favorite Apps for Visual Content on the Go
Text Art
This app allows you to create a gorgeous graphic with text. As their Instagram bio says, “You can create beautiful typography in just a few taps!” Available for iPhone and Android devices, this is an easy pick for one of our favorite mobile apps. At the time of this article, an annual subscription was $30/year.
How to use it: When you feel inspired to share something, type out a teaser in Text Art to encourage viewers to stop and read more. Then go into detail in your caption. For example, a landscaping company could create a graphic in Text Art that states “Stop trimming your Azaleas.” In the caption, they would further explain that trimming these plants in the spring is okay but you don’t want to do it in the fall.
GIF Maker by Momento
We primarily use this app for converting iPhone Live videos into GIFs. This takes very little time on our end and the results are tremendous. Video content captures attention and the movement stops viewers from scrolling further. At the time of this subscription, an annual subscription was $40/year.
How to use it: Did you take a team photo but everyone couldn’t stop laughing? Hopefully, you caught that with iPhone Live. Open Momento and convert that baby into a GIF. Your audience will love seeing the authentic glee of your employees. It’s one way we create an approachable brand.
The best mobile apps for visual content are the ones you’re going to use. Pick an app that addresses your pain point when it comes to creating content on the go. TextArt helps those who need to create a beautiful text-based graphic and Momento is perfect for companies that want to connect with their audience by sharing authentic content.
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